Applications close 10 June 2022
Complete & Submit Abstract Form
To be considered for this award pre-fix your abstract title with BGRI.
BGRI Competition
The Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) is supporting two early-career scientists to attend the 16th International Cereal Rusts and Powdery Mildew Conference from 31 August - 2 September 2022 in the UK. The conference aims to facilitate discussions and collaborations towards globally sustainable cereal disease management.
To be eligible for these awards applicants should either have graduated with a PhD or equivalent no earlier than December 2015, or still be studying for a research degree. Applicants must be residents of countries on the UK ODA list.
The selected awardees receive free conference registration, two (2) nights accommodation in Clare College (31 August & 1 September 2022), a ticket to the conference dinner, and return travel costs. The award does not include per diem, and awardees must cover their own additional expenses.
To appy, submit your abstract title (pre-fix title with BGRI) and details on this form online. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 10 June 2022. The winners will be notified no later than 15 July 2022.
Complete & Submit Abstract Form
To be considered for this award pre-fix your abstract title with BGRI.
Bringing a poster? ICRPMC2022 [at] niab.com (subject: Poster%20space%20booking) (Book your space here.)
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