Liz Scott is Head of Crop Characterisation with overall responsibility for management and delivery of NIAB’s core services to Defra, the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) and the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO). These comprise Seed Certification services and DUS testing for both National Listing and Plant Breeders’ Rights, alongside technical and policy advice on related issues.
With a background in botany and a strong interest in intellectual property in an international context, Liz was previously the Head of Ornamental Crops before taking the lead of both Crop Characterisation teams in 2010.
On behalf of Defra, she represents the UK within various UPOV and CPVO technical groups and she is the CPVO Technical Liaison Officer for NIAB.
In a personal capacity Liz is a member of the CPVO Board of Appeal and a CPVO technical auditor