Nengi holds an MSc in molecular biology with biotechnology (Bangor University, Wales) and a PhD studying the ripening process of tropical mango (Mangifera indica L.) with a particular focus on the Rab GTPases (University of Nottingham).
Based at NIAB East Malling, her current research interests focus on understanding the epigenetic control of traits in Rosaceae, particularly tackling questions on how these mechanisms can be applied to modulate growth, flowering and fruit development in existing varieties, to manipulate events during plant reproduction and to silence unfavourable genes.
Recent publications
Lawson, T., Lycett, G.W., Mayes, S., Ho, W.K., Chin, C.F., 2020. Transcriptome-wide identification and characterization of the Rab GTPase family in mango. Molecular Biology Reports 47(6), 4183-4197. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11033-020-05519-y
Lawson, T., Lycett, G.W., Ali, A., Chin, C.F., 2018. Characterization of Southeast Asia mangoes (Mangifera indica) according to their physicochemical attributes. Scientia Horticulturae 243, 189-196. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2018.08.014
Lawson, T., Mayes, S., Lycett, G.W., Chin, C.F., 2018. Plant Rabs and the role in fruit ripening. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews 34, 181-197 doi:10.1080/02648725.2018.1482092
Chin, C.F., Teoh, E.Y.,Chee, M.J.Y., Al-Obaidi, J.R., Rahmad, N., Lawson T., Comparative proteomic analysis on fruit ripening processes in two varieties of tropical mango (Mangifera indica). The Protein Journal 38, 704-715. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10930-019-09868