Syed has worked in the UK agri-industry for the past ten years as an agronomist and crop researcher.
He joined NIAB in 2019 as a regional agronomist in the south of England and Technical Innovation Lead. Currently working on reducing reliance on soil applied fertiliser to reduce carbon footprint he is also responsible for providing agronomy advice to NIAB members, alongside organising field and open days and trials plot demonstrations. He has written protocols covering a wide range of research areas especially fungicides, macro and micro nutrients, bio-stimulants, bacteria, fungi, and carbon based fertiliser products for a range of manufacturers and distributions either based in the in the UK and aboard. His main interest is testing innovative products and techniques to reduce reliance on pesticide and fertiliser inputs without compromising yield.
Past experience includes a PhD in agronomy from the University of Aberdeen in 2012, and as a regional R&D manager and agronomist at for a distributor, providing on-farm agronomy advice, organising farmer events, public speaking, and managing a range of research projects and agronomy trials.
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