Research interests
After finishing a research project modeling the impacts of climate variability on UK wheat yields at Cranfield University David joined NIAB in 2017. David supports NIABs long term experiments investigating cultivations, cover cropping, rotations and the use of manure and soil amendments. Davids’s particular expertise is in applied crop and soil modeling and on farm spatial data analysis, with a particular interest in using process-based modeling approaches to support on-farm management decisions. David is currently developing this research through a NERC funded PhD with Cranfield university as well as NIABs long term experiments.
David is a PhD candidate at Cranfield University and holds a Masters in research (MRes) (Cranfield University, 2017), a MSc in Climate Change and International Development (University of East Anglia) and is a BASIS FQA, an Early Carrer Member of the British Society of Soil Science and sits on the Advisory council for The Morley Agricultural Foundation.
Research projects
Morley Soil and Agronomic Monitoring Study (SAMS), 2019-2028
The Morley Agricultural Foundation
AHDB Strategic Cereal Farm East 2020-2024 (Annually renewed)
Partners: ADAS
Funders: AHDB
Site-season effects on crop productivity to support sustainable intensification, 2020-2024
Cranfield University, British Geological Survey
Funders: NERC
The Morley Long Term Trials (LOTs) program - Saxmundham Experimental Site, 2020-2024
Partners: NIAB
Funders: The Morley Agricultural Foundations
Clarke, D., Hess, T.M., Haro-Monteagudo, D., Semenov, M.A. and Knox, J.W., 2021. Assessing future drought risks and wheat yield losses in England. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 297, p.108248.
Clarke, D., Morris, N., Walker, S., White, D., Stockdale, E., Clarke, S., 2021. Assessment of spring bean companion cropping in oilseed rape on cabbage stem flea beetle pressure, nitrogen interactions and yield in East Anglia, UK Aspect of applied Biology 146, p 109
See full publication list on ResearchGate or Orcid