Plant Genetic Resources is an international journal that brings together the many diverse topics concerned with plant genetic resources.
Each issue gives you access to peer-reviewed research papers on genetic variation in plants, both crop and non-crop, as well as on the technical, socio-economic, legal and geo-political aspects of PGR. Many papers feature research directed to endangered non-crop and medicinal plants. The journal is of interest to researchers and scientists involved in the plant genetic resources community, including breeders, all those with an interest in germplasm, policy makers, consultants and research students.
Plant Genetic Resources is a hybrid journal, meaning that it publishes on a subscription basis but provides authors with options to make their article open access. Gold Open Access publication is supported by an article processing charge (APC), typically paid for by the author’s funding body or institution. Alternative funding may be available, including through read and publish deals.
For information about how to submit to the Journal, please see Instructions for Contributors.
Plant Genetic Resources is owned by NIAB and published by Cambridge University Press.